Little Note from Three Rivers, Kwebek + Haircut News

A little streak of blue in this cloudy scene.

A little streak of blue in this cloudy scene.

I'm sitting at a little café in Trois-Rivières (a university town about 1.5 hours northeast of Montréal, along the St. Lawrence), and there is a very cute little boy gazing intently out the window at the giant cargo ship in the river. It hasn't moved, and he's kind of worried about why.

Mat is at his selection interview for chiropractor school, while I chill at this very charming spot on the water. (I'm also very curious why that ship is just sitting there.)


I'm still working on the Cuba story. It's been over a month! And I still can't find a good way to present the experience. It keeps coming off too critical, and I go back and forth between whether that's bad or just the truth, and what's wrong with writing the truth? I keep cracking away at it, slowly but surely. (A lot of the "cracking away" includes not looking at it for weeks at a time. Productivity.) Maybe I'll just erase it and start over. Or just post the pictures.

(I just deleted a paragraph where I went on and on about the weather. You're welcome.)

Also shareworthy: I chopped off all my hair last week, and let me tell ya, it FEELS SO GOOD.

When you're taking a selfie in a public place and you're convinced everyone will look up from their own affairs at the exact moment that you're smiling ridiculously into your computer screen.

When you're taking a selfie in a public place and you're convinced everyone will look up from their own affairs at the exact moment that you're smiling ridiculously into your computer screen.

Until next blog (hopefully the CUBA one will arrive bientôt).

À plus!
